
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween, Indonesian Style

Students: "Let's Have a Party at Mr. Martini's!"  Me: "Why?!?!"

Well I never have been much of the party hosting type, what with all the planning, preparing, and worrying about your guests having a good time... But somehow, Indonesia has a way of turning me into many things I never expected I would be, and sometimes even helping me to realize that I enjoy these new roles I'm being forced to play! And this past week's adventure left me in charge of one of the English club's first events: Halloween.

Halloween went off without a hitch; or, at least, without too many hitches! As Halloween is a U.S. Holiday that has roots in Celtic History, most Indonesians are either unfamiliar with the holiday, or have distorted views of what Halloween means and where it comes from. (To tell you the truth, I didn't know much about the history of Halloween until this experience either!!) So the English club decided to hold a Halloween party for it's members, and since my house is so extremely large, it was quickly voted as the perfect location for Halloween... Which meant I had to clean...

This is how I feel, every day. My mop, my bucket, and me. Oh, and about a million square feet (pardon me, "meters,") of floor to scrub...

I'm not gonna go into it much, but good lord is it hard to clean a massive house all by yourself! I've always considered myself a fairly clean person, but living here has made me look like an absolute slob! I miss carpets. Oh do I miss carpets. Linoleum does a guy no favors when it comes to absorbing dirt and dust... Fortunately with the help of Fitri, a mopping maestro from way back, we eventually were able to get my house into an "acceptable" condition for the Halloween party. All that was left, then, was for me to decorate! (And let me tell you - finding a Halloween decorations in a country that doesn't normally celebrate Halloween is no easy task!) So I had to improvise...

Manford the Mummy, Horace the Headless Haunt, and a pair of friendly ghosts (affectionately known as Casper and Casper's pal, Merl) adorned my house to help scare and entertain my students for the evening. Putting the time in to create (and also name!) each of my "creatures" was honestly more time consuming than it should have been, but I think the students appreciated the effort and the humor of the sketchily made ghouls.

Perhaps the most difficult of the "creatures that go bump in the night" was good ol' bag Spider, who required quite a bit of bobbing and weaving to anchor him to his webby lair. But what's a Halloween party without a spider?! Especially when I couldn't really afford to fly the real Spider all the way over here just for one night! Though I could have really used his impersonation of an attack dog to scare aware all the trick-or-treaters I didn't have...

And I guess, since I'm already talking about Halloween decorations! I should point out that I greaty miss the cobwebs from the Pumpkin Smash at the Clubhouse! I had to improvise and make my own out of dried-out wet wipes... Let me tell ya: don to try this at home. The level of hair-pulling-out frustration and eternal ripping of the whispy threads is enough to drive even the most sane of Halloween party-planners off the edge; and I'm by no means in the category of "sane" at this point! But I refused to have a Halloween without cobwebs and so after a few more mugs of apple cider, I came up with something that slightly resembles cobwebs. They would have to do.

Since it was Halloween, and I wanted to celebrate the right way, we went back to some time-honored Halloween traditions from my more "youthful years!" Just take a gander at the hilarity that ensued...

Bobbing for apples is perhaps the greatest Halloween game known to humankind. Shove your head in a bucket of water, and then try to bite an apple with your teeth. Could anything be more awesome?! Yes. Apple bobbing in hijabs.

I saw many unique strategies: the poke-the-apple-with-your-nose-until-the-stem-appears method, the try-to-go-in-for-a-bite-without-getting-too-wet strategy, and my favorite, the who-the-heck-cares-if-I'm-wearing-this-heavy-hijab, I'm-getting-that-APPLE! method, which involved a full dunking of the head, and a whole mess of wet clothing... I was amazed, impressed, and a little shocked by the devotion to getting that apple! These kids truly take a bite out of life.

But the highlight of the evening of apple-bobbing was the moment captured in the above photo. At the present moment, it holds the position of "top memory in Indonesia." This is the story:

Since the students were all participating, they decided that the teachers should also have a go at apple bobbing. I, of course, supported this whole-heartedly, because I firmly believe that if I'm gonna ask you to do something, I had better be willing to also do it myself! Fortunately, I didn't have to start the shenanigans. That was left up to the woman in the bottom right corner: my co-teacher, Mam Novi. 

The students looked to her as the first teacher to attempt the U.S. game of apple-bobbing, since beside moi, Mam Novi was the only other person to have spent time in the U.S.  Well, while Mam Novi is usually down for just about anything, she politely declined the offer since she was unable to bend over to the bucket due to her 7 month pregnant belly. Fair enough, right? Wrong. The moment she said it, multiple students collaborated to pick up the bucket and bring it up to Mam Novi so that she would not have to bend over! 

Well, when students are that persistent, it's kinda hard to turn away from. So after a little more pushing from the students, Mam Novi agreed to give it a shot. And so I counted down, "tiga, dua, satu, ..." And the second I got to zero, Mam Novi struck like a cobra! Her head flew forward, plucked an apple from the top of the water in 1.23 seconds, nearly knocking the bucket out of the students' hands with her speed! As one student later remarked, "One bite; one get." Let's just say she whooped all the other students' times by multiple seconds... And the best part? After biting her apple out of the water, Mam Novi casually starts to walk away, chomping on her apple, and turns to the students, saying: "That's why I'm the teacher!" Point made.

After that, we had a quick game of "eating-the-apple-off-the-string."

I may have mislead my Indonesian students into believing that all U.S. games involve food, but what can ya do? It happens. We wrapped up the night with a "scary" movie, that unfortunately was more "blood and guts" than terror-worthy moments. But that's what ya get when you let the students pick the movie :)   I'm sure they enjoyed it, which is all that matters.

Before I conclude this post, I'm gonna sneak in a few pictures of the event that happened the day after the Halloween party... I was invited to judge a Stroytelling Contest for middle school students from surrounding schools! The stories were all classic Indonesian folk tales, of which I have copies, and the students had to perform in English! So apparently I was qualified enough to judge...

The stories were awesome to listen to, and the students' acting was phenomenal. Even though I kept sliding my desk to run away from the sunshine, I had a blast listening to the Indonesian stories. Though I heard later that they thought Juri 3 may have been from Russia, due to his continual low scores...

Just another day. Doing new things, having adventures, and gathering stories to tell my friends and family :)

"To hell with facts! We need stories!" -Ken Kesey

Talk to you soon,

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Days Turn Into Weeks... (A Catch up Post)

So I've been in Pontianak, Indonesia now for a little over 5 weeks, and I think it's time to catch up on some of my happenings and wanderings. My hope is that if I can make one extremely awesome, out-of-this-world, possibly super, I can start blogging about things as they happen, instead of 4 weeks later... With that thought in mind, let's explore together while I reminisce on a few of the random mini-adventures I've had in Pontianak over the past month.

To tell you the truth, most of my days are spent walking to school, helping teach, and then walking home. I actually really enjoy my little 10 minute walk to school each day, just so long as I make the walk at 6:30 in the morning. After that, it's too darn hot to even think about physical exertion! 

The Street View of Where I Live. Good 'Ol Bali Mas 2. Just what you imagined Bali to be, right?

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I stick out a little bit when I walk around the streets of Pontianak. While it might be my excessive height, or perhaps my shaggy hair that I need to get cut, I'm betting that the real give away is my white as rice skin color. And let me tell you - they know rice in Indonesia. So, when I walk down the street, there are few people who don't yell out at me: "Hey Mister! Halo!" Or, my favorite: "Dia sangat tinggi!" (He's really tall!) But I love to walk, so I continue to take the treck everyday, even if I'm not the biggest fan of having random strangers shout out to me. 

Other than teaching at school, which I promise to describe in a separate post, I spend the rest of my time in Indonesia either playing sports with teachers and students, hanging out with friends, or relaxing in my home! Many students like to play Futsol (which is a mini form of soccer), and therefore I get sucked into multiple games after school. 

My students and I after an epic game of Futsol.

Students, teachers, and basically everyone else in Indonesia loves Futsol! Fortunately, I'm a big fan too! It's an awesome experience to get to hang out with your students outside of the classroom. As a teacher, I often feel distanced from students due to rules and regulations, so having the opportunity to get to know the students without fear of upset parents or enraged administration really does the heart good. And as for their Futsol ability, these kids can play! Luckily I know a thing or two about getting in the way, and have thwarted many of their best attempts to score... And you wouldn't believe how excited both teams get when this bule scores a goal...! With flailing limbs and legs that always seem to get in the way, I think I'm making a name for myself on the Futsol field. Sometimes uncoordination and the element of surprise are they best way to confuse and beat your opponent :)

But don't ask me about playing Futsol with my university friends... I'm merely a speed bump that is unfortunately standing between them and the goal. And like any good speed bump, while I may cause minor annoyances and the occasional crash, I unfortunately am usually unable to bring a hard-charging Indonesian to a complete stop... Still, I press on, "like boats against the current," knowing that at some point, a cocky Indonesian youth will try to pull a crafty, over-the-top maneuver to impress his friends, and this wily veteran will be there, waiting for the slip-up that will open the door to my goal-scoring opportunity. And up until now, I have yet to leave the Futsol court without scoring at least a goal or two :)

In other news, I also play badminton from time to time. However as badminton is one of the highlights of Indonesia, I will save the topic for a later post. Just know that whenever I step on the court, I always "give 'em the business," and maybe even a few tricks I learned from backyard pool badminton with my dad.

Just so this doesn't drag on too long, I'll share three quick stories from over the past couple of weeks. Then I'll be able to end this post, and move onto some better posts about more significant events that have happened recently in my life! Without further ado, my stories:

A few weeks ago (I won't tell you how many...), a few teachers took me to the center of town to see the Sungai Kapuas, the longest river in Indonesia. Since Pontianak was built along the river, the center of town is located on the riverbank. In this "town square" of sorts, the people of Pontianak come to hang out, buy local goods from sellers, and eat along the riverbank. 

Sorry the photos are kind of dark...Some of the teachers and I took pictures along the water front and in front of the major fountain. People in Indonesia LOVE photos. I'm not joking. I take photos everyday with random strangers, and so when I'm with people who actually know me, they have no qualms about bumping me into photo after photo. The other notable bit from the photos above is the statue with the circle on top, which is a replica of the equator monument that lies thirty minutes outside the city. Hopefully in the near future I will visit the iconic equator monument that symbolizes the awful heat that I fight against everyday! 

While along the river, we decided to take a boat ride down the Sungai Kapuas...

Check out the "klotok," or boat, that carried us along the Kapuas River. The main bridge that connects the two sides of Pontianak city can be seen in the distance, lite up to shepherd late night travelers. One night, in fact, I was one of those sheep who got lost while riding his bike, and relied on the bridge to direct me back to my house!  And of course, in the above photo collage, I have the mandatory photo of just me, myself, and I. I'm never allowed to get away without a picture of myself, standing awkwardly alone, in random Indonesian places. So all in all, my evening at the center of town and on the Sungai Kapuas was the relaxing night out that I had been long needing.

In other news, I've now made 2, count'em, 2 trips to one of the city's most popular tourist destinations: The Dayak Longhouse. Indonesian Borneo, the island I currently live on, is inhabited by the Dayak people, the indigenous group of Borneo. So while there are now many different cultural groups in Indonesian Borneo (Pontianak actually has large populations of Malay and Chinese heritages), the original cultural group will always remain the Dayak people, who are still a major part of the island. And one of the major cultural aspects of the Dayak people, is their homes: longhouses.

Dayak Longhouses are the traditional homes of Dayak people, and are still used by individuals who live outside of the the big city of Pontianak. (Apparently it may one day be possible to travel out and see a Dayak community in the Borneo Rainforest) However within the city, the longhouses are solely for ceremonial purposes and tourism, not domestic life. What a shame, eh? Who wouldn't want to live in an open-concept home on the equator, replete with sun-scorching heat and mobs of mosquitos...

The reason the Dayak homes are called longhouses, fairly obviously, is because they are long. Enough said, right? Wrong. I always have more to say. The reason the Dayak homes are so long is due to the fact that Dayak families add onto the building as newer members of the community are born, so that families can have their own space, while still being under the same roof as their friends and family. So as the community grows, so does the house. Kinda cool, right?! Apparently some longhouses can grow to have as many as 200 doors/apartments inside of the upper-level living area, which means there could be 200 individual families! Fortunately they have the bottom area for activities and such.

This first Dayak Longhouse I visited was recently completed in July of 2013 and is the largest in the city. I'm going to throw out a guess here, and say that its enormous size and grandeur is meant to be representative of the continued strength of the Dayak presence in Pontianak. It certainly impressed me. However unlike the normal longhouses which are made from wood, this behemoth was constructed from concrete. I explored the longhouse with some of my new friends from the local English club, and dared to enter the longhouse in the traditional way: walking up the giant tree trunk. Did it seem unsafe? Of course. Most tourism outside of the U.S. often is. But that's what makes it awesome.

Above you can see my mandatory photo by myself, that my lovely friends forced me to take. (Sometimes I'm actually glad when they force me to take photos, because I come out with gems like the photo above.) From the Dayak Longhouse we could see a traditional Malay House (the building on the right), which makes sense since many Pontianak Indonesians have Malay heritage. I hope you also enjoy the awkward photo of my friends and I on the Malay House's front steps...

And of course any photo description would be amiss without an explanation of the bottom left photo, in which I enjoy a traditional Indonesian snack with my pals after a long day of wandering around the longhouse. We purchased "rujak" (cut up fruit and vegetables with a peanut sauce) from a roadside vendor, and drank bags of sweet sugarcane water. Always a tasty drink on a warm day.

As I said before, I in fact made TWO trips to the giant longhouse, which may be indicative of the lack of sites in Pontianak...! The second time, however, I went with my site partner Adam, as well as a teacher from his school. So while the picture below may have the same building, note the different people posing for awkward photos.

However after leaving the Rumah Radakng on this day, I did not go enjoy a snack of rujak, but instead visited another Dayak Longhouse! This long house being significantly smaller than the giant concrete behemoth, but far older and more "classic."

Make sure to notice the tree trunk man on which I climbed to to enter the longhouse. I could have walked around and used the stairs, but stepping on a face of an old wooden guy is slightly more "romantic," don't you think? 

Apparently this longhouse is one of the oldest (or maybe the oldest) in Pontianak and is also now used for ceremonial purposes and tourism only. While at this longhouse, we met some of Adam's eccentric students, took our obligatory photo with them, and discovered that for some strange reason, this longhouse is a place for people to bring their dogs...

So the longhouses are cool, and represent a traditional culture of Indonesia, which is great. Hopefully I'll learn about it as I continue my journey!

I'm bringing this long post to a close. My third story is short. I went to a Mr./Mrs. Pontianak Beauty Pageant... That's about it. I just believe it's important to note, because things like this happen everyday - I wind up in strange places.

The highlights of the show included the small kiddos in Pontianak batik, and the traditional Malay dance, where they tied up a woman while dancing...! Then we left early because I had to teach in the morning and the thing was ending no time soon...

Well, this has been a little peak into everyday life. Honestly I need to start doing a better job of keeping track of the amazing things that happen to me everyday, because I am in shock and awe just by the day-to-day happenings of Indonesia. Hopefully now that I've caught myself up a bit, I can blog as things happen, instead of in hindsight. We'll see :)

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." -Anthony G. Oettinger

Talk to you soon,

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Volcano in Bandung?! Let's Go Exploring! (Sept. 15th, 2013)

Since we had two weeks in Bandung, it seemed like a shame to spend nearly 14 days without seeing any of the extraordinary natural wonders that Indonesia has to offer.  Fortunately, one of the other ETAs (whom I could clearly learn a great deal for with regard to organizing and planning trips...) realized that there happened to be a major volcano not too far from Bandung, and therefore organized a bus to allow a whole bunch of us ETAs to travel and see this major tourist destination.

The bus ride to the volcano took about 2-3 hours, which actually was pretty darn good due to the fact that traffic in Indonesia is as intense as anywhere in the world (in my opinion of course...). And so, 30 "bules" (foreigners in Indonesian) arrived at the Tangkuban Perahu Volcano to explore the active volcano, that apparently had an eruption as recently as February 21st, 2013! Ah! Kinda scary, eh? But nonetheless, we were resolute in our desire to see the volcano, or at least the one crater than was easily accessible by hiking!

Before we set off on our hike, we were approached by a couple of Indonesian gentlemen, asking if we would like a trail guide for our hike around the volcano. Being the self-driven, go-getter ETAs that we all are, we fairly quickly came to a unanimous decision that "We don't need a Guide!" And those, my friends, are what we like to call famous lasts words...

And so, as all great explorers do, we took a walk. We took a walk in order to see, and understand, and learn about this natural wonder of nature that lay right in front of our eyes. And for me, there are few greater joys than seeing the beauty of this earth.

We began in our large group of nearly 30, perhaps optimistically believing that we could all hang together along the twists and turns of the hike around the crater. And to give ourselves some credit, we certainly did hang with one another at the beginning of the expedition! Fortunately, the first crater that could be seen was right near the entrance, and we were all able to enjoy a view of the volcano crater together. Of course this was only the beginning of the hike, and we hoped to hike further and see the crater from a higher vantage point, along with seeing more of the craters of the volcano. 

However as we progressed further and further, climbing higher and higher, struggling with bigger and bigger rocks and inclines, we slowly began to separate into smaller groups to better navigate the terrain. I, of course, found myself quickly fall back I to the last group, due to my inclination to stop every five seconds to take pictures of everything I bumbled into. (I actually meant to write "bumped into," but my computer changed in to "bumbled into," and I think I like that better. Well done computer.) But honestly, look at this scenery! How could you not take loads of pictures?! I tried to capture the beauty of the trees and flowers, as well as the impressive sight of the volcano.  

That little collection of photos is for my sister! She has an eye for taking flower photos, and has inspired me to try and capture some AMY-ZING (my apologies for the super corny joke...) shots of flowers in Indonesia! So I tried. I hope you approve Amy! I still look through the Australia photos and laugh at all the random flower shots! "I Don't Care; I Love It!" (Thanks to Icona Pop for that reference.)

And so we hiked, and slowly separated into groups of 6 or 7. Some ETAs trucked forward, enjoying the physical activity of hiking, and getting a thrill out of discovering the not-so-well-marked path. And some ETAs drug behind, moving as fast as a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter. I leave it to you to decide where I was amongst the different groups.

Partway through our hike, we stopped at a plateau to allow everyone to catch up. At this location, there was a giant fenced in area, which seemed rather out of place in the middle of the forest. So a friend and I peered inside, and discovered it to be some type of old school or radio broadcasting center. 

I would have liked to check it our more, but I heard a friend whisper "Hey, he's watching you..." So of course I looked around! only to find an Indonesian man with some sort of badge looking at us, looking in the the gated area. And in this scenario, curiosity will not kill the cat, as I am a scaredy cat! Well, I decided to myself, I guess it's time to hike on before I get asked questions!

Further hiking in the forest surrounding the volcano led us to a vantage point at the top of the hill (or perhaps mountain, to make the hike sound more impressive!). When everyone finally caught up to this point (I can't imagine who would have been dragging behind...), we took the opportunity to take some impressive pictures of the volcano and our motley crew! A great many thanks to the Indonesian motorcyclists who snapped the photos!

It was an impressive sight. I know very, very little of volcanoes, but the beauty of crater was astounding. So much raw power that could erupt at any moment. Let's just take a moment together to be in awe of the natural beauty of this earth, and to be thankful that the sucker didn't blow while I was standing there!

After posing for multiple photos, we decided as a group to head down and around the path of the crater edge, instead of heading back the way we came, in order to see some new territory on the way back. And we had a little map of the park, along with the pointed directions of the Indonesian motorcyclists, so we felt confident in our path. 

Now is the moment when that whole "We don't need a guide!" thing really kicks in...

It has been said that "not all who wander are lost." After about 3 hours of hiking down a volcano that only took us an hour a half to climb, I can pretty well say we all knew we were lost. But at that point, what's the use in turning around, right?! So we forged ahead.

Clearly Adam and Kelsie realized just how lost we were, even if those behind them were not too concerned! I can safely say that all of the above photos were taken in areas of the land surrounding the volcano that none of us had any idea existed... In other words, we were off the tiny map that we had been give at the beginning of our adventure. But that's the most exciting part! We were out in the middle of Indonesia, exploring the beautiful outdoors and taking in all of the diverse scenery. Honestly, aren't the above pictures of the landscape gorgeous?! Pay no attention to the lost foreigners hiking about... Focus on the Beauty of Nature!

We kept hiking, and eventually came upon a tea garden that we believed may have been on our map. So, we of course first stopped to take pictures of the tea garden, and then decided to try and decide which direction we should head in next.  Some of us wanted to take the road less traveled by, while others were more interested I n asking the Indonesian motorcyclists which direction they would suggest. Having already received directions from Indonesian motorcyclists, I was wary of their judgment, so instead stood back and took pictures of the mass of ETAs hovering around the Indonesians for information. (I would like to take this moment to make a cultural note: We were informed during orientation that Indonesians worry a lot about not being able to help others, and thereby are likely to give someone directions, even if they have no idea where they are, or where a person wishes to go. While I cannot say that this is definite fact, I would like to lodge my vote for the "extreme kindness of Indonesians in giving directions, even though their directions may often be quite inaccurate.") And so we received directions, and followed the path described to us.

I will tell you, my friends, our path became no shorter after leaving the tea field.  We did eventually run into more groups of Indonesians, the first group telling us that we had only 15 minutes till we reached the road, the second group telling us we had 2 hours till we reached the road, and the third group informing us we were only 10 minutes from the road. Needless to say, we were not getting any closer... A few of us began embracing our more "tribal" side, with natural headdresses made by Zee!

Eventually we turned a corner, and stumbled out onto a dirt road that seemed to leave into a main city. How many hours had we been gone? I'm unsure. And honestly, I was not to worried. The hike was so incredibly beautiful and energizing that I in no way regret all the twists and turns we took to arrive back out in the city. Oh wait, did I say back in the city? My bad. What I meant to say was when we arrived in a lovely little city that we would eventually discover was at least a half hour drive from where we began our hike... Yep. We were nowhere near where we started. 

So we called the driver of our bus, who apparently was non too happy with us, and asked that he drive to pick us up at our present location. Luckily, the city we popped out into was a nice small town, with places to eat and a nice area for us to sit while we waited for transportation.

Quickly, to wrap up, since I've been rambling for far too long, I'll just explain the above pictures! The one, of course, is a view of the city that we found ourselves in. Another picture, which you should be able to identify, is an ice cream truck. Yes, an ice cream truck. And oh did we have ice cream. I was slightly sketched out at first by the brown goop the man scooped into the machine from a bucket in his truck, but I will tell you that the strawberry ice cream cone I had after our 8 hour hike was as good as any Graeter's ice cream in Cincy! And finally, the last picture is of the place where we sat waiting for our bus to pick us up. But I'd like you to pay particular attention to the large black vehicle that belonged to the security team that came to "rescue" us. Oh yes... We certainly made ourselves known that day! 

Final tally: 30 Exhausted ETAs; 15 consumed ice cream cones; 5 confused security officers; 1 awesome day.

"Getting lost is just another way of saying 'going exploring'" - Justina Chen

Talk to you soon,

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Orienting Myself in Bandung (Sept. 7th - Sept. 22nd)

Well, first be warned that I'm writing this post two weeks after my orientation in Bandung actually ended... But at this point I believe I can claim that it's kinda my style. But anywhoo, on to the story.

Since the 35 ETAs who arrived in Indonesia with me came with varying levels of knowledge regarding Indonesia, its culture, its people, and its language (besides those few go-getters who took classes or studied on their own before arriving), I believe it made perfect sense that we would all be gathered together to participate in a two-week orientation all about Indonesia, and especially, the Indonesian language. 

So, off to Jakarta we all flew, to meet up in the wonderful Jakarta airport and take a 2 hour bus ride (5 hours with traffic) to the lovely city of Bandung. Bandung has been described as the "Paris of Indonesia," due to its sense of style, nightlife, and something else that I don't actually remember... Sorry... I should have been listening more intently.

When we arrived in Bandung, we pulled up to what was clearly the largest hotel in the city, the Hotel Trans. Far what what you would imagine if you think of the Hotel Transylvania, the Hotel Trans was stunning with its giant reception area/lounge, where we were greeted by a traditional Sundanese dance group.  For real. Apparently we're kinda a big deal, and thereby got a sa-weet performance as our entrance into this "must be a 7-star it's so awesome" hotel. They performed 2 dances for us, the first of which was more musical based, and the second of which I forgot the storyline... But apparently it was a great story.

**Thanks to Kelsey for the photos!

So the dancing was pretty darn neat, but the music was ever better in my opinion. I always enjoy good music, and the Sundanese band was spot on! I'll have to make a point of looking up more music during my stay...

So this is a mini-compilation of the hotel lobby, in an attempt to show you just a bit of the extravagance of this immense hotel.  The flowers in the person-sized pot were always REAL, and I found the stairway to be just a bit on the "flashy" side. (Congrats to Emily, "Sekutuku dalam Kejahatan," (my partner in crime) for the photo shoutout!) So if that's not enough lavish lifestyle, the hotel has a giant glass-light dragon! Whose head unfortunately blew out during a power outing...

On the roof was an outdoor eating area that looked out over the city. It was an impressive view, and we had the good fortune to have multiple lunches and breakfasts up there, as well as the opportunity to hang out ther in the evenings.  Perhaps the best part of the roof-top lounge was the glass-floored platform, where we had multiple dance parties and moments of looking down at the street in awe.

**Thanks to Emily for the photos!

While no one can match Marci and I's mirror-ball winning dance performance (that dad and Mrs. Makin nearly stole in a questionable judging...), I can definitely say that Elizabeth and I's moves on the glass-floored skywalk were certainly impressive! Oh, and the interpretive dance was also pretty memorable...!

Anyway, Let's just say the hotel was pretty swanky. I had my own room on the 14th floor (there was no 13th floor... I still don't understand that custom...), replete with bathrobe, slippers, comfy as heck pillows, laundry service, giant bathtub, and hot water!!! IT WAS UNREAL. A far cry from the Penny Sleeper Inn in California! (Amy knows what I'm talking about!)

So I spent two weeks in a room unlike any I plan to inhabit in the foreseeable future, (which is honestly fine by me since I couldn't handle being waited on hand and foot...) and was/am grateful for the experience, if for no other reason than realizing that that sort of lifestyle is not for me :)  But I would be lying if I didn't say that I looked forward every morning to the fresh fruit, and every evening to the Indonesian dessert placed in my room :)

Notice the Hotel Trans in all its glory, with the Indonesian Flag flying out front as an Angkot (public transport in Bandung) drives by.

And so we spent the two weeks in orientation, studying Bahasa Indonesian and learning about the country. I can fill you in more sometime, but let's just say it was really nice. Having breakfast and lunch made for you everyday was awesome, and I definitely gained quite a few pounds in two weeks... Standouts in the food and drink arena definitely go to nasi goreng seafood (fried rice with seafood) and bajigur (traditional coconut drink that was the best thing ever!!).

I shall conclude with a picture of the classroom I spent so much of my time in. Note the AMAZING flowers in the bowl. They were brand new and fresh everyday! Also, notice the water bottles, of which I drank approximately 10 a day, and I would have to safeguard from the hotel workers who would always try to take my half-full bottle and replace it with a new one when I would turn my back! I had to fight pretty hard to not waste a bottle. I fended off one worker when he tried to take my half-full bottle, but when I turned my back, he snuck around, nabbed it, and replaced it with a brand new bottle! The staff certainly was diligent in guaranteeing that our stay was as comfortable as possible!!

I will close with a photo of my wonderful Bahasa Indonesia class. These people had my morning and afternoon everyday. Laughter and learning went hand in hand with these awesome pupils, and our fearless instructor, Totok!

I think that's enough for now. I'll post about the volcano trip we took while in Bandung in another post. But this at least covers the orientation bit of Bandung!

"You cannot help but learn more as you take the world into your hands. Take it up reverently, for it is an old piece of clay, with millions of thumbprints on it." -John Updike

Talk to you soon,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Peaceful in Pontianak

Well, I made it. We flew to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, from Singapore, and then the other ETA, Adam, and I headed to the outdoor terminal of the Jakarta airport to catch a flight to Pontianak on the island of Borneo. I didn't take any pictures of the Jakarta airport (sad day...), but hopefully in the future I will remember to capture a snapshot or two of the awesome outdoor terminals of Jakarta. So for now, just create a beautiful image in your head of lovely walkways leading to seating areas perched just on the edge of the Tarmac. (Now I fear I may have built up this image a bit too much, so I'll have to take SUPER AWESOME pictures to do the airport justice.)

Anyhow, after having a minor mix-up with the gates, whereby Adam and I found out 20 minutes before the plane was scheduled to take off that our plane had been moved to Terminal 2 instead of the quaint Terminal 7 we so eagerly sat in front of, Adam and I set off for the great unknown region of Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Can we all just take a moment and notice that the equator runs RIGHT THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF PONTIANAK?!?! Really?! (As Connie would say.)

Upon arriving in the airport, I was greeted by my counterpart (the individual who's supposed to look out for me while I'm in Indonesia) and the principal of the school I'll be working at. Adam and I said quick goodbyes as he headed off with his counterpart, and I left with Fitri (my counterpart), Mr. Iswaldi (the principal), and two assistant principals.  We drove to a nice restaurant in town where I had my first Pontianak meal of seafood and rice (which would prove to be an ongoing theme as Pontianak is located right on the water). Fortunately, for those of you who don't know, I LOVE SEAFOOD. So at least maybe I can check off food as being something that I won't have a hard time transitioning to! Between seafood and the A&W and KFC in the mall twenty minutes from my house, I think I should be able to survive the food war... Until it becomes time to cook! But that's a bridge I'll cross when I come to it.

After the wonderful meal of fish, squid, and of course, rice, Fitri and the rest of my welcoming committee drove me to my place of residence for the next 8 and a half months. So, I'll devote the rest of this post to the house I'll be living in during my time in Pontianak. Bring on the pictures!

So this is my house. Giant, eh? When one of the directors of the Fulbright program informed me of my house, she said that it would be "perfect for me and my 10 kids." But don't worry mammy, I don't plan on having ANY children while here :)  I'll just hog all the space for myself or possible visitors.

As you can see inside, I have a giant common area. Basically three different seating areas! So much space to clean... When looking in my front door, you can kind of see the kitchen on the right side. The kitchen is nice, including an oven, microwave, and stove that I'm not sure yet if I can use... Up on the left you can kind of see the railing of the loft, making my home 2 stories! This place is intense. In the entire place, I have three bedrooms, two of them with AirCon. In the back right you can see a sink that is next to one of my, fortunately, Western style toilets! And next to that is a door to my back kitchen...

I hope you like what I did with the pictures... I'm trying something new :)  Anyway, the back kitchen is where I have my gas burner, refrigerator, and water tank. I skip between here and my other kitchen when preparing food. Also, for whatever reason, I have this awesome 3D mural on my outside wall next to the stairway to my roof! Note the little fisher people with the awesome hats. The stairway leads to a small area where I can hang my laundry, but I will show you that later. Now, let's go beyond the panda and bird screen, to see my super awesome bedroom!

So this is my bedroom, complete with a massive king size bed, dresser, and personal bathroom.  I'm not going to fill you in on the bathroom yet, because I'm not fully adjusted to it, but eventually I will share all! My room is pretty darn big, and fortunately there is open space where I can hunt down the cockroaches! I'm winning the war 8-1 at this point! There are two other notable bits about my room:

The AirCon! I would probably never sleep without this cold piece of machinery. Actually, the nights when my electricity doesn't work, I often don't sleep...

And the other, most important part of any room I stay in -

My memories from home. A card from my sister, the Dickmans, and my friend Paige. The text of the graduation card the Brockmeyers, and a picture of Mammy, dad, Abby and I from Glenn & Fran's wedding! Of course there's always a photo album of friends and family, Eeyore to remind me of Maria, and the Beanie Baby Cheery from Shirley.  And, as with all of my adventures, I have the pictures of my Aunt Karen and Uncle Wheat alongside Abby and my Family.  See Aunt Karen, I'm always thinking about you :) You know where you stand! So of course, if you want to be a part of my bedside table, just drop me a line or a photo! Oh, and of course the last bit that always travels with me around the world: The Blue Bunny, in memory of Gran. I always miss her as much as I miss all my friends and family at home and abroad.

So that's a glimpse of my house in Indonesia. I hesitate to say 'home,' because home will always be Sayler Park. But it honestly is nice here.  I apologize if this was a bit long and boring, but I wanted you to get a bit of an idea where I am. Hopefully my next post will be about some awesome site in Indonesia!! This shall be the first of my 'domestic life' posts. We'll see how they go.

Oh! I also now have an address!! Let me know if you would like it. Apparently mail could take 4 months to get here, as well as 4 months for me to send something to you, but I'm gonna try! I've got 8 months, right?! 

"Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."  -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Talk to you soon,

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Quick Stopover in Singapore (Sept. 2nd, 2013)

Since the flight to Indonesia is fairly long, it makes sense that we wouldn't fly directly there, but instead bop around a few different cities and countries before arriving in the capital of Indonesia, (which is still an hour and a half from the city I'm supposed to live in). So my total journey would take me from camping in Indiana (wahoo!) to the Cincinnati airport, to Chicago, and then to Hong Kong, followed by a day and a half layover in Singapore before carrying on to Jakarta and then Pontianak, Indonesia (my town for the next nine or so months).  So the question that I'm sure is on all of your minds is: "What the heck did you do during that day and a half in Singapore?!" Let me tell you.

For starters, we had a mini one day orientation where we were informed of certain "need to know" items that would hopefully keep us from getting into too much trouble during the four days we would spend in our host cities before returning to The Jakarta area for orientation. These tidbits were things such as how to find water, what we should expect from our housing situation, a few local customs, etcetera.  So with the basic Indonesian information jotted down, we were given the rest of the day to explore the city of Singapore. And this is what we saw...

The "Mer-Lion," a mascot and national personification of Singapore. Half lion, half Mer, all awesome.
The city of Singapore is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever had the pleasure of wandering around.  Along with a group of 5 other ETAs (English Teaching Assistants), we toured the inner part of the city that surrounds a bay of water.  The buildings and streets were so incredibly clean, leading some of my compatriots to be creeped out by the eerie utopian feel of the city.  Some would say it felt as if there were secret police lurking behind each bush and inside every trash can, just waiting to jump out and terrify any wayward pedestrian who dared to litter their beautiful city.  Personally, I greatly enjoyed the intense cleanliness of the area, even though the awesomeness of the sparkling city was overshadowed by one thing... BENCHES. The city is chalk full of intense street art, my favourite of which is all of the absurd benches. I never thought I could get so excited about a platform that you sit on... 

This one was a parabola!!!

 Some cool fake trees. And what is that in the background, you might ask? It's a boat. On the top of three buildings. No big deal. Except that it's the coolest thing ever!  Let's check it out up close - 

And the round half disk thing is meant to replicate a lotus flower, and has a beautiful lotus pond underneath of it. That white building is actually a science museum, which makes sense since it looks like a lotus flower. Here's a picture of the aforementioned lotus pond, with e armored ETAs sitting on its edge:

After wandering around the inner city by the water, we walked through the giant 3 buildings with the boat on top, crossed over some major roads, and visited the Gardens by the Bay.  Singapore's quest to become the City in a Garden is no more evident than in the Gardens by the Bay, where the Singaporean government compiled trees and plants from all over the world (except Antartica for some reason...) into a giant park for tourists and the people of Singapore. Hopefully the following pictures will do the garden justice, but I just want to quickly say that they was so much of the garden that we didn't get to see due to time restrictions. The place was super cool though, especially the giant metal trees with plants growing off of them!

Check out all the greenery...and the giant metal trees with random bromeliads on their trunks.

Grounds crew in serious haz-mat costumes keeping things clean and tidy.
An awesome double helix bridge leading back into the city! It was wobbly, but architectural!

A artsy photo of flowers for my sister who taught me all I know about artsy flower shots.
So that was Singapore. An awesome city by a bay, soon to be known word-wide as the "City in the Garden."  Spending just shy of a day and a half in Singapore was definitely not enough time to see all of the awesome bits and pieces this city has to offer. But for now, it must do :)   Now it's time to head to a country known more for its natural beauty! And so, with VISA in hand, we all headed off to Indonesia!

And if you couldn't tell, this post was started over a week ago, and I just wrapped it up... So basically you can expect delays in my blog posts from time to time! But I'll do my best to keep up.

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - Roald Dahl
Talk to you soon,